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Thursday, May 15, 2008,10:30 PM
my blog is Almost dead........i tink

hehehe...long time no blog already,watching too much anime...got back my stupid results jus three dae after exams,i tink my school a bit kiasu,give back results so fast,without letting us relax...i HATE my math,science and chinese results,they are so lan lor,math teacher dun want to add marks for my paper and force me to sign the paper he gives to confirm it...i hate my results Totally Hate my Results,cant wait to get out of AHS!!!!

Monday, March 3, 2008,6:37 PM
my china trip

yeah!!!!tmr i going china lah,tmr night!!!i cant wait!!!going on the plane and looking out of the beautiful scenery is cool,only when it is dark,i know inow its dark,jus cant see anything out of the window....watever,i going china beijing and zhenzhou,though i nvr heard of zhenzhou be4,its still a gd experience 4 me!!!i going with my class,jus cant wait...beijing and zhenzhou,here i come!!!!!!!!!!!!haha very lame..........................................................................................................

Sunday, February 24, 2008,5:47 AM
i love my blog!!!

i know i seldom blog lah,so i nvr put it on the class list,but nvrmind,i like the songs,all one piece,naruto and inuyasha songs!!!they rocks!!!ppl who come to my blog mus tag hor!!!if u luv animes,tell me by tagging on my tagboard!!!and i will share with u wat anime is the best...i got to go now,cant stay too long on my beautiful blog...ya,i know is beautiful,hahaha

Thursday, February 21, 2008,6:50 AM
March hols

Finally this wk tests finished lah,then tired lor,sch say that we only have to have max. 3 test per wk and the teachers give us 4 lor!!!but then i heard that math quiz wasnt counted as a test,even though it was counted dun know how many percent in the ca1...i cant wait 4 the march hols!!!can go to china beijing and zhenzhou!!!yeah!!!i jus only wanna complain why other classes can take singapore airlines to china while we-2a,2b and 2c take----------------air china....jus because we too much ppl doesnt mean we need to take air china lor!!i heard dat air china planes then old and not safe to travel,no television to watch,even if there is the programmes there veri boring lor...besides this,i jus look 4ward to going beijing and zhenzhou!!!And also HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRray to Singapore!!!!4 hosting the youth olympics in 2010!!!jia you Singapore!!!i will always support u!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008,6:06 AM
Yahoooooooooooooooo!!!Chinese New Year coming!!!!

yeah!!!chinese new year coming lah.....cant wait to sleep 4 the whole day!!!can stay up late somemore!!!i wanna watch my favs anime,especially naruto shippuuden and one piece!!!oh yah,one piece rox!!!its then funny lorand IIIIIIInnnnteresting....those who dun know how to appreciate then toooo bad 4 u lor,miss gd anime,if any of u know a gd place to watch anime 4 free,tell me by tagging in my chatbox...dats all 4 now...Happy Chinese New Year to everyone!!!
With a big SMILE from the owner of this blog,ME joie:)

Sunday, January 27, 2008,3:15 AM
Jan 2008 Happy New Year!!!

hello,i know some people want me to update my blog lol...and that some people is mostly some naggy mengying and valerie....watever,this new year i hope to get gd results and go better classes if there were any lah...hate my school so much,ask us to pay money 4 the stupid indoor stadium...already got one super old one also dun wanna renovate,lol...anyway i got time then update my booootiful blog lah...jus in case people nag at me to update my blog....BYE BYe!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007,6:35 PM
Hello again!!!Long time no update!!!

hello exams over then dun feel like updating my blog...first tooooooooooo lazy and second tooooooooooo busy watching anime,stupid mengying keep hugging me and pinching me,and say that she do that because cannot see me again during the sch holidae lor....so lame,especially that stupid true fren test...that test really stupid leh.....i update again when i feel bored in sch,so bye bye my stupid lame blog!!!!


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Hello. I'm Joie Chng. I'm 14 years old. I love Anime the most,japanese mooosic and the colur yellow.... I'm not a Sissy,crazy or MAd people.But I'm a cute and chubby one... Love chicken rice,fried rice and all kinds of rice...love milk a lot tooo...


[Winifred] [Mengying] [Rui Shuang] [Ah Fang] [Ah Rong]
[Valerie] [Wendy] [Valerie Leong] [Melissa] [Sara]
[Joie] [Sara] [Vanessa] [Huiru] [Anzu]
[2B class blog:)] [xinyi] [friend]



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[May 2007] [July 2007] [September 2007] [October 2007] [January 2008] [February 2008] [March 2008] [May 2008]


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